Some of the distinguishing marks of a good quality lesson include;
- The lesson should stimulate and interest the learners.
- It should be appropriate to the age and grade of learners.
- The teacher must have a good knowledge of the subject matter or pedagogical content.
- The lesson plan and presentation should be flexible.
- There should be opportunities for active and effective learning. It should factor in questions and answers, debates, role play, discussion, dramatization, song and dance, experimentation etc.
- There should be dialogue between the learners and the teacher (not just closed questions with ‘right’ answers). The teacher should listen to the learners’ ideas.
- Appropriate and relevant instructional materials must be used.
- Different learning styles should be used. (e.g. visual, verbal, logical, kinesthetic etc– to engage different learners actively).
- The lesson should involve all the learners, they all should be encouraged to participate.
- Effective class control and organization is essential. The class should be well managed and controlled.
- The teacher should have clear strategies for evaluating the achievement of objectives. E.g. practice, demonstrative, tests questions and answers etc.
- How successful was the lesson? What made it successful? Or not successful?
- What were the main strengths and areas for improvement in the lesson?
- Did the learners learn what they were intended to learn?
- Did the lesson address the learners’ needs?
- Was the lesson at an appropriate level of learners’ age?
- Were all learners involved in the lesson?
- Did the lesson arouse their interest in the subject matter?
- Did I prepare sufficiently for the lesson?
- Do I need to re-teach any aspect of the lesson?
- What would be a suitable follow-up to the lesson?
- Could I have used alternative teaching strategies?
- Which strategies from this lesson will I use again? Why?