1. The teacher plans effectively and sets clear objectives that are properly understood:
- The teacher has a written lesson plan;
- The topic / level of content was related to the syllabus;
- Objectives were communicated clearly at the start of the lesson;
- There was a good structure to the lesson;
- Activities / seat work were prepared for learners; and
- The learning needs of individuals were incorporated into the lesson plan.
2. The teacher showed good subject knowledge and understanding:
- The teacher had a thorough knowledge of the subject content covered in the lesson;
- Subject material was appropriate for the lesson; and
- Knowledge was made relevant and interesting for the learners.
3. The teaching methods used enable all learners to learn effectively:
- The lesson was linked to previous teaching and learning;
- The ideas and experiences of learners were drawn upon;
- A variety of activities and questioning techniques were used;
- Instructions and explanations were clear and specific;
- The teacher involved all learners, listened to them and responded appropriately;
- High standards of effort, accuracy and presentation were encouraged; and
- Appropriate methods of differentiation were used.
4. Learners are well managed and high standards of behaviour are insisted upon:
- Learners were praised regularly for their good effort and achievement;
- Prompt action was taken to address poor behaviour; and
- All learners were treated fairly, with equal emphasis on the work of boys and girls, and all ability groups.
5. Learners’ work is assessed thoroughly:
- Learners’ understanding was assessed throughout the lesson by the use of questions;
- Mistakes and misconceptions were recognised by the teacher and used constructively to facilitate learning; and
- Learners’ written work was assessed regularly and accurately.
6. Learners achieve productive outcomes:
- Learners remained fully engaged throughout and made progress in the lesson;
- Learners understand what work was expected of them in the lesson;
- The learners’ outcomes were consistent with the objectives set at the
- beginning; and
- The teachers and learners work at good pace.
7. The teacher makes effective use of time and resources:
- Time was well utilised and learning was maintained for the full time available;
- A good pace was maintained throughout the lesson;
- Appropriate learning resources were used; and
- Chalk board/ marker board was used effectively.
8. The lesson is concluded effectively with evaluation and homework is used effectively to reinforce and extend learning:
- The main points of the lesson were summarised;
- Evaluation of taught concept effectively carried out in line with the performance objectives;
- The lesson was brought to a close; and
- Homework was set and followed up.